Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Emergency Interim Development Ordinance

On February 26, 2008, the Santa Fe County Board of Commissioners (BCC) will vote on an Emergency Interim Development Ordinance. The ordinance, which would prohibit development approvals for oil, gas and geo-thermal grading, drilling and extraction within the Galisteo Basin for twelve months and provide a six month extension. The Emergency Interim Development Ordinance would be in effect "until the adoption of a general plan amendment, a Galisteo Basin Area Plan, a capital improvement and public services program, creation of a special improvement district for the code addressing and resolving the health, safety, cultural-historical archaeological, fiscal, economic, planning, infrastructure and services, groundwater aquifer, environmental and public nuisance impacts of such grading and drilling."

The ordinance will be posted on the Santa Fe County website (click here) and there will be a map of the target area. The BCC would hire experts to discern the compatibility of oil & gas activity in the Galisteo Basin and to conduct baseline studies. The target area of the map can be expanded to other areas in Santa Fe County, if needed. The BCC has hired Dr. Robert H. Freilich (click here) as special counsel to help rewrite development codes.

According to the SantaFeMexican.com (click here), "Part of the process of developing these plans will be to conduct studies of these issues. Freilich said he will also use the draft ordinance already created by Ross, and results from studies of the Galisteo Basin area ordered by Richardson, to inform his own plans. He hopes to have a draft by November.

Freilich promised stakeholders would be included in every step of the planning process."

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